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it shows in urine.

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Q: Whenever the plasma glucose concentration exceeds the renal plasma threshold?
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What happens when the plasma glucose cocentration exceeds the renal plasma threshold?

It will cause the change of the alpha and beta cells

What is the renal threshold for glucose?

When the blood glucose level exceeds about 160 - 180 mg/dl (8.9 - 10 mmol/l), the proximal tubule becomes overwhelmed and begins to excrete glucose in the urine. This point is called the renal threshold of glucose (RTG) hope that this answer might help you and it is taken from wikipedia.

What is the blood glucose level above which glucose starts to appear in urine?

First of all, WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?But, whatever. The renal threshold, where glucose levels exceeds the capacity to return the glucose into the blood (glycosuria) is about 10 mmol/l (180 mg% ).

How high does the serum glucose have to be for the threshold for glucose to be achieved?


What is renal threshold of glucose?

Renal threshold is what happens when there is an overabundance of glucose in the body, the blood glucose levels will then get above 170mg/100ml (normal is 70mg/100ml).

How do you find the glucose concentration of a solution?

Glucose concentration strips will work.

What happens to the concentration of glucose in urine as the number of glucose carriers increase?

As the number of glucose carriers increase, the concentration of glucose in the urine will decrease. This is because more glucose is being reabsorbed by the kidneys back into the bloodstream, reducing the amount of glucose that gets excreted in the urine.

When does glucose concentration in urine become zero?

The normal glucose concentration in urine ranges from 0 to 15 mg/dL. The glucose concentration in urine becomes zero when no glucose has spilled over into the urine.

How do you find the concentration of a solution?

Glucose concentration strips will work.

What is the formula that use to calculate the concentration of glucose in blood by the principle of Beer-Lambert law and application of glucose oxidase?

patients absorbance/absorbance of the standard*concentration of the standard gives you the glucose concentration of the patients sample

Is there the same concentration of glucose when blood goes into the muscle and when it comes out?

Muscle requires glucose, and so there is not the same concentration of glucose in blood entering and exiting a muscle. The exiting blood will be lower in glucose.

Explain how cyclic AMP and catabolite activator protein are affected by glucose concentration?

Cyclic AMP accumulates when the glucose concentration is scarce. If the glucose concentration increases, the cAMP concentration falls, and without it, CAP (catabolite activator portein) detaches from the operon and becomes inactive.