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In the mouth

Precisely in the salivary glands because there are enzymes that are being produced

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it begins in the digestive system

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The main chemical of the stomach is to begin the digestion of?

to begin the digestion of proteins

Where does chemical digestion begin in the rat?

Like human, the chemical digestion of food begins in the mouth of the rat.

Where does chemical digestion begin for starches?

Chemical digestion of starch begins in the mouth.

What organs secrete enzymes which begin chemical digestion in the mouth?

The salivary glands in the mouth secrete enzymes in saliva that begin chemical digestion.

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Digestion for all mammals begins in the mouth with amylase found in the saliva.

Where is lipids digested in the human body?

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Where does chemical digestion begin and what food group does it break down?

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What is a lipids role in nutrition?

Lipids are fats broken down by digestion.

Where digestion begin in the digestion system?

Digestion begins in the mouth. Mechanical digestion begins with the chewing of food. Chemical digestion also begins in the mouth with the enzymes been produced and used to break down the food.