

Best Answer

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

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12y ago

No. A basilica was a meeting hall and a bath was a place to get clean and a recreation center.

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Pet it, cover it's eyes, give it something soft to sit in, or give it food. Some people give them warm baths, but very few of my rats have ever liked baths.

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