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Most did not. There were only very few like the pterodactyl capable of flight

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8y ago

No. Most feathered dinosaurs could not fly. Dinosaurs evolved feathers before they started flying.

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Q: Where all dinosaurs with feathers able to fly?
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Do feathers help birds fly easier?

Birds cannot fly at all without their feathers.

How many feathers do pinguins have in their tail?

they dont have feathers smart one. if they did they would be able to fly

Why have birds feathers and not fur?

birds have feathers and not fur because fur is heavier than feathers and would restrict them from being able to fly

How did a dinosaur fly?

Dinosaurs evolved to be much like the modern day birds. They developed wings with feathers and eventually, by evolution, they flew.

What is function of feathers in birds?

it make them fly,the equvate the balance of the birds in air and keep them in sky the volume of the feathet must be as much as the weight of the birds.if the feather tends to shed away then birds are not able to fly

Does the feathers on a penguin make them not able to fly?

Yes, it is because they are so heavy.

Why is an owl able to fly siently?

Flight feathers muffle the wing beats

True or flase birds use wings and feathers to fly so all birds can fly?

To say that birds use wings and feathers to fly, so all birds can fly, would be false. Not all birds can fly. An ostrich is an example of a bird that cannot fly.

How would the loss of feathers affect a bird?

It will not be able to fly with no feathers. Feathers keep a bird warm. If its feathers are gone it will die of cold. Most importantly feathers help a bird to escape from predators.

Why cannot penguin fly?

a penguin cant fly because its heavy also because they have smal feathers called pin feathers

What are all the birds that can fly?

No,not all birds that have wings and feathers can fly. An ostrich & peacock can't fly and they both have feathers and wings. Birds like the ones I named have small wings that's why they can't fly. All their muscles are in their legs.

What adaptations has a bird made to fly?

birds have hollow bones and light feathers that make them able to fly flap and glide, dont you wish you could fly?