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In Johto you have a fixed order to beat the gymleaders, except for the 5th and 6th since you can do the 6th gym before the 5th. Anyhow, here are the names of the Johto gymleaders, their types and which city you can find them.

1. Falkner, flying. Violet City.

2. Bugsy, bug. Azalea Town.

3. Whitney, normal. Goldenrod City.

4. Morty, ghost. Ecruteak City.

5. Chuck, fighting. Cianwood City.

6. Jasmine, steel. Olivine City.

7. Pryce, ice. Mahogany Town.

8. Clair, dragon. Blackthorn City.

In Kanto you don't have a specific order of gyms, except for that you have to do the eight one as last. However, here's a likely order to beat the gymleaders in;

1. Lt. Sturge, electric. Vermilion City.

2. Sabrina, psychic. Saffron City.

3. Erika, grass. Celadon City.

4. Janine, poison. Fuchsia City.

5. Misty, water. Cerulean City.

6. Brock, rock. Pewter City.

7. Blaine, fire. Seafoam Island (it moved from Cinnebar City to Seafoam Island.)

8. Blue. Viridian City. Blue has mixed types of pokemon.

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12y ago

There's a gym in each major city.

  1. Falkner (Flying) is in Violet City,
  2. Bugsy (Bug, unsurprisingly) is in Azalea town,
  3. Whitney (Normal) is in Goldenrod City,
  4. Morty (Ghost) is in Ecruteak
  5. Chuck (fighting) is in Cianwood
  6. Jasmine (Steel) is in Olivine
  7. Pryce (Ice) is in Mahogany Town
  8. Clair (Dragon) is in Blackthorn

Kanto's leaders are as follows

  1. Brock (Rock) is in Pewter City
  2. Misty (Water) is in Cerulean City
  3. Lt. Surge (Electric) is in Vermilion
  4. Erika (Grass) is in Celadon
  5. Janine (Poison) is in Fuschia City
  6. Sabrina (Psychic) is in Saffron
  7. Blaine (Fire) Is in the Seafoam islands, Not Cinnibar, because it erupted.
  8. Blue (Assorted types) is in Viridian City.
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12y ago

At all the Citys. If you play a lot of pokemon you will notice that there are never any gyms at Towns.

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Q: Where are the Gyms in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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Does Pokemon SoulSilver have 24 gyms?

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The answer is... No there are no and i repeat NO hidden gyms on Pokemon soulsilver (but there are more gyms in kanto which you can get to by the boat pass from prof elm after you defeat the champion)

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after u beet all gyms in johto region.

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Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver Versions. They all have 16 gyms (two regions).

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To get to Mt Silver you have to defeat the Pokemon league and all of kanto's Gyms.

How do you get to the Pokemon gyms in Kanto for Pokemon soulsilver?

You must beat the Elite Four. Then take the ship in Olivine City which will take you to Vermillion City

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Indigo Plateau. In order to get to them, you need to defeat all eight Johto gyms.

Where do you get the hm rockclimb in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You Have to beat all 16 gyms and then go ahead and speak to professor oak and he will give to you.

Scale it in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Beat all 16 gyms and talk to professor oak he givs u the HM 8-)

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you have to beat the first 7 gyms and team rocket at goldenrod city. then the man will let you pass.

How do you get the 16th gymbage in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you have to beat all the kanto gyms then go to cinnabar and talk to blue he will then go to the last gym and you can battle him there