

Where are ants ears?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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most of the ants senses like hearing and touching come from its antenna

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Q: Where are ants ears?
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Can ants get in rabbits ears?

Yes ants can get into rabbits ears. In fact my own rabbit has ants all over him. I don't get why but my rabbit does indeed have ants on him and inside his ears. Some ants will even go deep into the ear and start to eat away at the brain. hope it helps

What insects have ears?

ants have ears so do lady bugsbirds mosquitoes

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No. They hear with their antennae like ants.

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No they don't. they fly around with their ears.

What does antennae mean?

the ant has little antennae

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Ticks and/or fire ants

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Ants don't have ears, nor would they have a use for them. They are able to feel vibrations through their legs and rely on pheromones for communication.

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Ants Can't actually hear at all as they don't have ears. They rely on their antennae and sensitive hairs around to body to feel the world around them

What do ants sound like?

Ants have no means of vocalizing the way cats, dogs and humans do. They communicate with each other primarily through pheromones - scent molecules. If ants make any sound at all, it's incidental to what they're doing, such as large carpenter ants chewing on wood, and you'd have to listen closely or use electronic amplification to be able to hear it.

Do ants have ants?

Yes ants do produce ants to continue the family.

What ants use other ants as slave ants?

red ants

What is a Ants in who guesses of Ants?

Elmo's Ants.