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well, this answer is not entirely fair, but understandable. the reason why is because as most of you would know that a man is thought to be masculine and strong, and because the male inherits the popular thought of masculinity then he carries it on, as a woman is thought to be feminine and weak due to her bodies incapability of producing chemical's, and hormones that allow her to due the "heavy duty" stuff.

males before puberty can still be strong. it just depends on the persons growth from the nutrition he has been receiving, and the genes and characteristic traits he has inherited from the masculine side of the family. the proteins that are within a males body obviously do not effect the body with full potential because of its immature state. however, once puberty comes, then the maturing process of proteins and hormones occur. with woman, the maturity increases , but in the feminine way and not the masculine way.

the maturing process of masculinity makes you stronger, while femininity makes you more slim, better shaped, more "girly" looking.

And here is the dispute. whether a woman or a man is stronger than the other. its not about maturity, but what the individual has done before the puberty process. a girl can lift 350lbs if she wanted to before she hit 14 years. all she has to do is train, and eat well. that is the way to become strong. and the same for men. except we are naturally stronger, but woman have the same ability to gain strength like men. but if a male is said to be stronger than a female before puberty, than yes that would be mostly true, and the same applies for older ages as well like the adult stages.

even though females gets stronger when getting older like males, they are not as strong. usually not nearly as strong. men are meant to be masculine, and broad( not meaning body types but overall structure of ability anatomy-meaning we are much more able to physical obstacles, besides a females ability to be flexible.).


Boys are slightly stronger overall before puberty, but there's plenty of overlap. The overlap pretty much disappears (almost) after puberty.

As for the above answer, no offense but I think it's pretty ridiculous to suggest that ANYONE under the age of 14 could lift 350 lbs, except maybe in an extremely freakish case--which in no way makes it a generally true statement. I also disagree that women have "the same ability to gain strength as men." Yes, they can become stronger than they are, and yes, some women are stronger than some men (very few), but the critical difference here is testosterone, which makes it much easier for men to build and retain muscle than women.

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Q: Are boys stronger than girls before puberty?
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Girls begin on average 1 year before boys, but that doesn't mean that all girls do. Puberty ranges vary significantly from person to person.

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Girls begin to have an interest in boys when they go through puberty. It depends when they start going through puberty, some girls start as early as 8 and some as late as 15. When girls start to have stronger opinions about boys (not saying "Eww!" every time a boy picks up a frog and pets it) is when they start to get crushes and maybe even a boyfriend. Hope this helped.

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I'm not sure what you mean by this question. Typically, girls are shorter than guys, among most primate species. Girls start puberty before boys therefore at first are taller than boys,but in the end after boys start puberty boys are generally taller.

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More boys than girls have it before puberty starts, but it's about equal after puberty.

Do boys or girls go through puberty first?

Girls reach puberty earlier than boys at the age of 9-12 years. Boys reach puberty at the age of 12-14 years.

When does puberty happened?

It depends upon genetics and environmental factors but anywhere from 10-16 is average. Girls usually start puberty before boys do.

Does puberty change a boy's hygiene needs?

Yes, in puberty both boys and girls sweat more and it smells. They might not have used deodorant before puberty but now it is needed. Boys can also need to shave if they have a lot of facial hair.

What is the medical condition precocious puberty?

Sexual development before the age of eight in girls, and age 10 in boys.

Are boys stronger than girls naturally?

Boys are genetically more likely to have better muscles, but of course there are plenty of girls stronger than boys.

Do boys have more muscle than girls?

This calls for a pointless generalization. There are many types of strength. If you are speaking of muscular strength, generally speaking, a boy of the same age and size as a girl is reasonable likely to be stronger, but not certain to be stronger. A strong girl will surely be stronger than a weak boy. If you are talking about the strength to resist pain, the strength to resist temptation, the strength to devote oneself to duty instead of doing as one pleases, etc., I know of no definitive studies on those subjects, and they would be pointless as well, since they would not answer the question of whether a particular boy or girl would be stronger or weaker than any other particular boy or girl. The normal male human is stronger than the normal female human. The woman has a pain tolerance that is better than a man.