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Q: Where are new zealand native bees comonly found?
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Do bees live in Venezuela?

Yes, bees live in Venezuela.Specifically, bees are native to every continent except Antarctica. The South American continent upon which Venezuela is found has habitats which support both native and naturalized bees. An example of a bee native to Venezuela is the Meliponagenus of stingless bees whereas an example of a naturalized bee is the Apis genus of Africanized honey bees.

Does New Zealand have bees?

yes every country has bees

Does Australia have native bees?

Yes. There are around 1500 species of native bees in Australia.

Does New Zealand have any native Wasps?

The German wasp, Vespula germanica is a serious problem in some parts, as in NZ's mild climate, they do not have to hibernate.In NZ in one heroic occasion, a farmer had his tractor break through into a huge wasp nest.

How did bees come to New Zealand?

They are Western honey bees, imported by early European settlers.

What was the date when honey bees came to New Zealand?

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) were first introduced to New Zealand by English settlers in the Hokianga, Northland, in 1839.

Are Bumble Bees found in Australia?

There are no bumblebees on mainland Australia, but they have been introduced to the island state of Tasmania. This occurred in 1992, when one species (Bombus terrestris) was accidentally introduced. Australia has around 1500 species of native bees. In addition, many species of honeybee have been introduced to the country. Two of Australia's native bees are sometimes mistaken for bumblebees. These are the giant yellow and black carpenter bee (Xylocopa) of Queensland and northern NSW and the golden-brown furry teddy bear bee (Amegilla). But as of 2013, there are no bumblebees on the Australian mainland.

Are carpenter bees found in Detroit?

yes carpenter bees are found in detroit

Why is clover important in New Zealand pastures?

Clover is important to New Zealand pasture for it adds nitrogen. To enable the clover to be pollinated, Bumble Bees were introduced, for Honey Bees lack a sufficiently long tongue.

What are the africanized honey bees predators in their native country?


How did honey bees get to new Zealand?

by huddiling up together and doing shifts

Where do you find bees?

Bees are often found near flowers.