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It's found in the low areas

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Q: Where are nimbus clouds usually found in the sky?
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Where is a nimbus cloud located in the sky?

The nimbus cloud are found at low altitudes and are spread across the sky uniformly. Nimbus clouds are nothing but rain clouds. So, the next time you see big, dark splotches in the sky on a rainy day, you will know what they are.

Where are these types of clouds usually found in the sky?


What types of clouds make rain?

Typically clouds that produce precipitation will have either the Nimbo- prefix or -nimbus suffix. Clouds that produce precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, hail...etc) will normally appear lower in the sky such as the Nimbostratus & Cumulonimbus. There are different variations of these clouds with variations of the above names. Double-click on the terms "Nimbostratus" or "Cumulonimbus" to get the definition from AnswerTips!

You see a blanket of gray clouds in the sky You can hardly tell where on cloud leaves off and another begins are they nimbus clouds stratus clouds or cumulus clouds?

from clouds

What cloud is high thin layered clouds?

strato-nimbus are long, layered clouds aross the sky. strato-cumulus are puffy layered clouds spread out.

What are black clouds in the sky called?

A dark rain cloud is called a nimbus. These clouds produce rain and snow as they are filled with compact and frozen moisture.

What are the different clouds in the sky?

The types of clouds are: cumulus, the fluffy white kind which are the most regular type, cumulonimbus and nimbus, which are rain clouds, and cirrus, which are wispy, high altitude clouds.

Where is the cumulus usually found in the sky high low or middle?

Cumulus are middle range clouds.

What are three kinds of clouds?

The five different types of clouds are called Cumulonimbus, Cirrus, Stratus, Cumulus, and Altostratus. These different types of clouds are distinguished by their shapes and positions in the sky.

Where are these types of cumulus clouds usually found in the sky?

Most people say that all cumulus clouds are found in a LOW place of the sky , which mean's they found it lower than many other clouds . Many other's may have difference but this is what google tell me , and i also have a science book that "QUOTES" the same .-__________-

How high is a nimbus cloud?

- Dark dense, low clouds. - sky is usually a dark clolour. - Darkness comes from a large amount of moisture up in the clouds. - Almost always a sign of rainor thundershowers. - They form from cumulus clouds and are usually tall. - Form when air is cooled.

What is cumulo nimbus?

That is the term for the really large clouds that build themselves high up into the sky and become storms. The have a chracteristic anvil shaped top.