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In the thylakoids in the grana which are located inside the chloroplasts in a plant cell inside of a plant, and some fungi.

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13y ago
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12y ago

Photosynthetic pigments are contained within the chloroplasts of plant cells.

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14y ago

Photosynthesis occurs within the chloroplasts, and more specifically within the thylakoids of the chloroplasts. This is where the pigments (primarily chlorophyll A and B) are located.

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12y ago

Photosynthesis occurs in the chloroplasts of a plant cell, which is where the pigments are.

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11y ago

in the chloroplasts

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13y ago

thylakoid and grana

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Q: Where are photosynthetic pigments found in green plants?
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What happens when light strikes green light pigments?

The green pigment found in photosynthetic plants is called chlorophyll; it is responsible for converting sunlight.

Is chlorophyll is necessary for green plants to undergo photosynthesis?

Not entirely. Green plants also use xanthophylls and carotenes as photosynthetic pigments to a small extent.

What major pigment is of photosynthetic autotrophs?

the major photosynthetic pigments are green chlorophyll and yellow and green pigments where as yellow and green divide into carotenoid and xanophyll

What heppens when light strikes green plant pigments?

electrons become excited

What is a good acrostic poem for photosynthetic pigments?

Producing energy with light, Hues of green and red in sight. Out in the sun, they work with might, They make plants grow, oh what a delight! Oh photosynthetic pigments, shining so bright.

What is in chloroplasts that make them green?

They are the chlorophylls . They are the photosynthetic pigments.

What supports the theory that plants evolved from multicellular green algae?

Both plants and multicellular green algae have similar cell walls composed of cellulose. Genetic studies have shown that plants and multicellular green algae share common genes involved in photosynthesis and cell wall formation. Fossil evidence suggests that land plants evolved from aquatic green algae as they adapted to terrestrial environments.

What is the green stuff in the chloroplasts?

They are called chlorophyll.They are photosynthetic pigments.

Do chloroplasts have thylakoids?

yes. it contains chlorophyll, carotenoids phycobilins, and anthocyannins.

Is chlorophyll a green substance in chloroplasts?

Yes,chlorophyll is green in color.They are photosynthetic pigments.

What characteristics of plants is shared by green algae?

Green algae and land plants share characteristics such as having chlorophyll for photosynthesis, cell walls made of cellulose, and similar reproductive structures like spores and gametes. Both groups also have a similar life cycle that includes alternation of generations with a multicellular haploid and diploid phase.

What is the green coloring in chloroplasts called?

They are called chlorophylls. They are the photosynthetic pigments