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Q: Where are platelets destroyed?
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How is platelets transported?

Similarly to Red blood cells, Platelets are collected from bone marrow, transported via diffusion and then destroyed in the spleen 120 days later.

What is the part of that blood is attacked when you have dengue?

The platelets are destroyed. These are necessary for clotting. If they are too low, you can hemorrhage to death.

What happens when bone marrow is destroyed in plant cell?

Since Bone marrow produces blood cells, if bone marrow is destroyed WBCs, RBCs and platelets will not be formed. However there are no bones and therefore no bone marrow in plants.

Why are platelets important when you have a cut?

Platelets help heal your wound, the scabs that form are the platelets

What are microcytic platelets?

platelets that are smaller in size than your average platelets... Can be associated with aplastic anemia.

What cellular component in the blood is crucial in blood clotting?


What is the tiny cell fragments in blood?

White blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets.

What is the count of platelets in hemophilia patient?

because there is only the defects in function of platelets in hemophilia and not reduction in number of platelets!

What blood components is most abundant in humans?

platelets platelets

What is the german word for platelets?

Platelets translates as Blutplättchen or Plättchen

What do platelets lack?

Platelets, A fragment of a cell, lacks a nucleus

What is a sentence with the word platelets?

The platelets count of the sick person was very low. It means the count of protective cells in the body.