

Where are the long bones located?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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The "larger" bones in the body are located in the extremities, such as the femur, tibia and fibula in the lower extremities, and the humerus, radius and ulna in the upper extremities.

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In adults where is yellow marrow located?

In the medullary cavity of long bones.

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Hyaline Cartilage located at the tops and bottoms of all long bones

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The cartilage at the end of long bones that closes when growth stops is known as the growth plate or epiphyseal plate. It is responsible for longitudinal bone growth during childhood and adolescence by ossifying to form solid bone.

What is located in the hollow shaft of long bones?

medullary cavity

Where is the Fibula located?

The fibula is one of the long bones in the leg, below the knee.

Site of blood cell production?

red bone marrow located in long bones

Where is your phalanges bones located?

They are located in your fingers (finger bones).

Where in long bone is spongy bone located?

It is located in the interior of the bone. Particularly in the Proximal and Distal epiphyisis.

Where is red marrow located in an adult long bone?

In the centre cavities of all the bones in your body. (There's a lot in your legs, since the bones are quite big and have a large cavity). the bone marrow is located inside the bone in da middle of the bone. It is spongy. it is red when your a child, and turns yellow when your an adult. Bone marrow is the spongy tissue in the cavities of the bones. It is the blood cell 'factory'. Healthy bone marrow releases blood cells into the blood stream when they are mature and when required.

Are metacarpal bones in the foot?

These bones are located in the wrist. Metatarsals are located towards the ankle