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A string has a node at the fixed parts of each string end.

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Q: Where are the nodes of the standing wave in the string?
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Related questions

What type of wave has points called nodes that do not move?

A Standing Wave is a wave with nodes that do not move.

A uninodal standing wave has how many nodes?

In a uninodal (single-node standing wave) wave, there is one node and two anti-nodes.

Nodes and antinodes are part of a n wave?

Nodes and antinodes are part of a standing wave pattern.

What is the wavelength of the standing waves if the string is 1.5 m long?

The wavelength of the standing wave is 3.00 m, that is double the string length of 1.50 m.

How does nodes and antinodes form in a standing wave?

A node is a point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude. The opposite of a node is an antinode, a point where the amplitude of the standing wave is a maximum. These occur midway between the nodes.

How many anti-nodes does a standing wave have?

iit depends on the wave type

What are the uses of nodes?

A node (knot) is a point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude.The opposite of a node is an antinode, a point where the amplitude of the standing wave is a maximum.These occur midway between the nodes.

What is nodes mean?

A node (knot) is a point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude.The opposite of a node is an antinode, a point where the amplitude of the standing wave is a maximum.These occur midway between the nodes.

Waves of nodes and antinodes occur in?

A node is a point along a standing wave where the wave has minimal amplitude. The opposite of a node is an antinode, a point where the amplitude of the standing wave is a maximum. These occur midway between the nodes.

In a standing wave what kind of interference produces the crests and the nodes?


Are nodes in a standing wave the result of constructive interference?

no, they are not. 100% positive

What are nods?

Anti nodes are the points where standing wave have maximum amplitude.