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You can make a tax deductible car donation at

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Q: Where can I make a tax deductible car donation?
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I would like to make a tax deductible car donation without getting into tax trouble, how can I do this?

You can read about the specifics on before making a tax deductible car donation.

Which tax form is required to file when I have a tax deductible car donation?

You will need to complete tax form 1098-c for a car donation tax.

Where can one find a charity that accepts car donations that are tax deductible?

Charity organisations are generally not tax-deductible. One charity that accepts car that are tax-deductible is Car Donation Wizard. For more information one can check Infoline.

What chariities are there where I can write off my used car as a tax donation?

If you donate a car to the Rawhide Boys Ranch it is tax deductible.

Is my car donation tax deductible?

Yes, car donations are deductible. Check with the group you donate the car to. If the organization you donate to is a registered charity, yes.

Where can I find information on a tax deductible car donation? and will both provide information regarding tax deductions for car donations.

How do I know if I am making a tax deductible car donation?

Flamiss2- Before you make any car donation you can ask the organization for their certification to make sure it is legitimate and you can take the donation. Also make sure this is a non profit organization. Check with the city where the charity is located and google it to make sure there are no scams associated with it.

were can i donate my car in chicago? has information on how to donate a car in the Chicago area. A donation made in Chicago is completely tax deductible.

Where in the California can one find a car donation center for charity?

The website Donate a Car contains a list of charity organizations in California and an online form for donation. They will pick up the car for free and the donation is generally tax-deductible.

Why donation is non-deductible expense?

A donation to an approved tax exempt organization...a 501c IS tax deductible. One to anything else and shouldn't be, because as far as I' concerned, everything I do is a donation to the one getting grocer, my auto dealer, everyone....and wanto to bet everything anyone has for me they consider a donation to me? Gee, everything is a donation and deductible.

Is a car donation tax deductible for tax year 2009?

Yes in 2009 you may claim a $500 deduction as long as the actual value of the car is $500 or greater and the charity is certified.

Can you get a tax deduction for a donation to the Obama campaign?

You can't. Politcal contributions are not tax deductible.