

Best Answer Its subbed in english!!!

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15y ago
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15y ago I has every episode and all of the movies.

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8y ago

The only website in know of is

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Q: Where can I watch boruto the movie English dubbed?
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Where can i watch boruto?

You can watch boruto on youtube but i think it will only be in english on a computor you can also watch it on eather hulu or apple tv but you have to pay for the dubbing

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Idk who posted that 1st one but there wrong. go to

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U Can Watch Naruto Movie 2 in English at this web

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no sry there isn't any where you can watch hana kimi in English dubbed

Where can you watch naruto English dubbed episodes?

You can watch it English dubbed in a site. click below to go to site

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You can find kekkaishi episode 21 English dubbed at .

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What website can you watch Naruto in English dubbed?

Where can you watch nour Turkish episodes in English?

You can only watch it in Turkish and Arabic. It has not been dubbed into English.

Is there a website that lets you watch all the Naruto episodes in English for free?

Yes, you can watch them at at english dubbed...

Where can you watch Naruto Shippuden Movie 2 Bonds English dubbed?

Well guess what??its on youtube now soo go on youtube and go to the vids that r out of 12 the rest are bull This is true but you can also find it here then just click the English button in the player and hit play