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The Aflac website is the best place to get authentic information about the Aflac hospitalization insurance. It is also useful to read consumer reviews about an insurance provider before making the final decision.

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Q: Where can a person go to get information on Aflac hospitalization insurance?
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Related questions

Can an self emplyed person get aflac?

Yes, self-employed individuals can typically purchase AFLAC insurance policies either directly through AFLAC or through a licensed insurance broker. AFLAC offers a range of voluntary insurance products that can help self-employed individuals protect their income and assets in case of illness or injury.

Computers and AFLAC how did they work together?

Not a reasonable question. AFLAC is an insurance company.

AFLAC insurance is it sold in massachussetts?

AFLAC is licensed to sell in every state.

Do you carry cancer insurance for aflac?

transamerica life settlement has a form for former cancer policyholders. Are you the same as aflac insurance?

Does AFLAC offer ski insurance?

Yes, you are in luck. The AFLAC does offer ski insurance for individuals who are interested. I highly suggest that you check them out and consider them for your insurance needs.

What does aflac insure?

A better way to frame that would be 'Whom does Aflac insure?" Aflac insures people. It is supplemental health insurance, although they also sell disability, which is a form of income insurance.

Does American family insurance own aflac?

AFLAC stands for American Fidelity Life Insurance Company of Columbus (Ohio). Therefore, the answer to your question is "No".

What is Aflac's population?

Aflac is not an entity that has a population in the traditional sense. Aflac is a Fortune 500 company that provides supplemental insurance in the United States and Japan.

Is Aflac Insurance comparable to other insurances?

Aflac is very comparable with other insurances. Alfac, Geico and Progressive are the leaders in car, home and life insurances. Aflac also provides motorcycle insurance.

What does the insurance company name Aflac stand for?

Aflac stands for: American Family Life Assurance Company

What types of life insurance policies are offered by AFLAC?

AFLAC offers supplemental life insurance policies to individuals in an amount that suits the individual's needs. AFLAC is also offered to businesses so they, in turn, can offer it to their employees.

What services are offered at Aflac Dental Insurance?

Aflac Dental Insurance provides a wide variety of insurance plans involving dental care. Each plan is tailored to a client's needs and budget. Aflac is known for offering great coverage at an affordable premium rate.