

Where can i find free assassin's creed 2 mobile download?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Where can i find free assassin's creed 2 mobile download?
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What do you do in the colluseam as desmond assassins creed?

I take it you mean put about assassins creed do no go into the colluseam in Assassins creed 2.But anyway, what you have to do is find your way throght the colluseam to meat up with the others.SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERSIF YOU DO NOT WANT TO FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS IN THE END DO NOT READ ANY MORE./////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////After you meat up with the others you have to run around this big room while the god person from Assassins Creed 2 talks to you. She makes you stab that girl from Assassins creed 1 and that follows you through Assassins creed 2 and Brotherhood because she is seakratly a Templar.SPOILERS OVER SPOILERS OVER SPOILERS OVERHOPE THIS HELPS YOU FELLOW ASSASSIN

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Buy it on the 15th and find out :)

What do you unlock when you get the brute armor in assassins creed brotherhood?

find 6 keys of romulous

How do you find the bureau leaders in assassins creed?

They will be marked with a black assassin's logo on your minimap.