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A credit rating scale can be obtained from Equifax, Experian, or Call Credit in the UK via post or online. Oneself must assess the accuracy of the report as to whether this is so. Errors are on occasion made by creditors whilst updating reports.

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Q: Where can one obtain an accurate credit rating scale?
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The FICO score ranges from 300 to 850.

What is the credit rating scale?

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The scale was developed by Dr. Tetsuya Fujita at the University of Chicago in 1971. Ths highest rating is F5.

Who developed the f-scale for rating tornado and what is the scales highest rating?

The F-scale or Fujita scale was developed by Dr. Tetsuya Theodore Fujita as the University of Chicago in 1971. The highest rating on the scale is F5.

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No, EF is for Enhanced Fujita scale and F is for Fujita scale. The new scale, implemented in 2007 is more accurate, but ratings are essentially equivalent. Most tornadoes would receive the same rating on either scale.

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