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One of the best companies to approach to have whole life Insurance explained is Swinton Insurance. They have offices in many locations and are experts in all aspects of whole life Insurance. Alternatively you could contact Sainsburys or Tesco's who both deal in whole life insurance.

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Q: Where can someone go where whole life insurance is explained?
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Where can someone find detailed information to have annuities explained to them?

One can find detailed information on annuities explained to them through a life insurance representative. MetLife has extensive information on annuities as does Sun Life Insurance.

Where can someone get term or whole life insurance?

One can get term or whole life insurance through various insurance agencies. Some insurance companies that provide term or whole life insurance include MetLife, AAA, and State Farm.

What kind of life insurance should you get?

When deciding what type of life insurance to get, someone can choose between term and whole life insurance. Term insurance pays out when a person dies and whole life can be cashed in if you need the money early.

Why is whole life insurance not the best insurance to have?

Whole life insurance is not necessarily bad but it may not be right for you as it can be substantially more expensive than a term insurance. If you need life insurance but don't want to pay the high premiums on whole life insurance ask for term insurance quotes. Whole life insurance is a level premium from the time you get the insurance until you die which is good if you have an estate that will need liquid funds but not necessarily right for someone who is just looking for life insurance until their kids are grown or their mortgage is paid off

Where can one compare whole life insurance?

Many insurance companies offer a way to compare whole life insurance rates. They also offers comparisons for term life insurance rates as well. Nationwide even offers a feature that will help someone decide how much life insurance coverage might be needed.

What is the difference between life insurance and whole life insurance?

The key difference between life insurance and whole life insurance is that regular life insurance carries a fixed term while whole life insurance covers one's entire lifetime. Whole life insurance also accumulates a cash value that one can borrow money against.

What is the definition of the term 'whole life insurance'?

A whole life insurance provides coverage for an individual's whole life. A savings components which builds overtime and can be used for wealth accumulation. Whole life is the most basic form of cash value insurance.

Where can one compare term life insurance versus whole life insurance?

There are many places where one can compare term life insurance versus whole life insurance. One can compare term life insurance versus whole life insurance at popular on the web sources such as Wealth Pilgrim and MSN Money.

Where can one get whole life insurance?

New York Life if one reputable company which offers whole life insurance. You can apply and receive quotes for whole life insurance policies online or by contacting a representative.

Where can one find an explanation of whole life insurance?

One can find an explanation of whole life insurance at virtually any life insurance company's website or at their company's location. Examples of whole life insurance companies are MetLife, Geico, and Farmers.

How can one define whole life insurance?

Whole life insurance varies from term life insurance because it is valid for the insured's entire life instead of just for a specified amount of time. Whole life insurance typically has premiums due each year.

What are the main differences of term life insurance vs whole life insurance?

A life insurance is only good for life coverage, when you die an amount of money is given. Whole life insurance includes investments you have. Such as stock market.