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Arms, legs, hands, feet, face... Anywhere where you can voluntarily move. And involuntary muscle is one that is moved automatically and unconsciously (i.e. you don't have to think about moving them) by a part of the brain, like your heart or digestive system. Your lungs are an example of both: they breath automatically, but you can also control them.

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13y ago
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15y ago

Voluntary muscles aka skeletal muscles do work by contracting. Most connecting to tendons, then to bone & joints. Voluntary means that you yourself have control over the muscles that you move (legs, arms)

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12y ago

There are three types of muscular tissues. Cardiac is only in the heart, smooth muscles are used to move foods through the esophagus and intestines (using peristalsis) and skeletal or voluntary muscles. The voluntary muscles or muscle groups are the type that you have control over, whereas the smooth and cardiac muscles are automatic and don't respond well to force of will.

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7y ago

Skeletal muscle is made up of voluntary muscles, usually attached to the skeleton.

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15y ago

Attached to the skeleton

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What do voluntary muscles do in the body?

Voluntary muscles help you to perform voluntary movements.

What muscles are voluntary muscle?

Skeletal muscles are voluntary muscles.

Where in the human body are voluntary muscles located?

im the shoulder i think

How are voluntary and involuntary muscle different from each other?

Generally, voluntary muscles are striated and skeletal muscles, while involuntary muscles are smooth muscles and are visceral (located in organs). Voluntary muscles are muscles that can be consciously contracted, while involuntary muscles are muscles that are contracted at certain times or at all times without the conscious consent of the brain.

Are Voluntary muscles stronger than in voluntary muscles?


What types are voluntary?

Skeletal muscles are the only voluntary muscles

Are the foot muscles voluntary or involuntary muscles?

voluntary, you control what it does.

What muscles do you have control over?

You have control over the muscles in the body parts where you feel you can move. For example, you have control over your leg muscles because you can move your leg using your muscles in it. You have no control over involuntary muscles like the heart and intestines.

What muscle types are voluntary?

Skeletal muscles are the only voluntary muscles

What kind of muscle can you control?

You can control voluntary muscles.

Are your arm and leg muscles voluntary muscles?

Yes they are voluntary muscles but eventually in your life you have to use them.

How are voluntary and involuntary muscles alike?

involuntary muscles can't control consciously, but voluntary muscles can.