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I think you might be thinking about the movie called the deer hunter

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Q: Where can you find out about a 1970's movie about returning Vietnam vets who shoot up a small American town?
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You are looking for an old movie about a Vietnam vet returning to his small town?

Born on the Fourth of July (1989; Directed by Oliver Stone, a Vietnam veteran himself), starring Tom Cruise

Frank Lucas smuggled heroin into the US from Vietnam by using the coffins of dead American servicemen What movie was made about him?

American Gangster

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What 1970s movie had robot gunfighters?

"Westworld" (1973).

Were can you download Vietnam movie?

It is not legal to download the movie, Vietnam for free. If a person wants to see the movie, they either need to rent the movie or go to a public library to borrow the movie.

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Kevin Smith the American screenwriter, directed and edited the 2006 movie Clerks 2. It starred returning stars Brian O'Halloran and Jeff Anderson of Clerk fame.

What movie does a boy ride a horse to his dad returning from the navy?

The movie is called Flash. I loved this movie too. :)

Is Will Turner going to die in the fourth Pirates movie?

He is not returning for it.

I can't remember the titleI can't remember the title of a movie about a couple of male and female androids who awaken to their humanity and go berserk. I think it's a work from the 1970s to 1990s?

It wasn't American Cyborg. I think it was something like a detective chasing down a cyborg that went out of control.

How did film in the 1970s define American culture today?

1970's movies do not define American culture today. The world is a completely different place. In 1970 there was no desktop computers, no internet, no cell phones, no CD's, no HD TV, no electronic games and Richard Nixon was president. The Vietnam war was on, there were a dozen TV channels at the most, every night the war was on the news, and to see a movie you had to go to a theater. The 1970 movie show us the world at the time. The World Trade Center wasn't even built yet and we had only gotten to the moon the year before.

What is the name of the James Caan movie in which he is a ghost returning to his widow?

The movie was "Kiss Me Goodby" with Sally Fields.

What time is Naruto Shippuden movie in cartoonnetwork?

Naruto will not be returning to cn