

Where can you find pyamids?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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10y ago

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The best known ones are in Egypt.

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Q: Where can you find pyamids?
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Where can you find a pyamids?

in egypt

How do you spell pyamids?

The correct spelling is "pyramids."

How far back do pyamids go?

Pyramids are as old as 9000BCE according to Plato's texts

What are pyamids made out of?

Pyramids were made out of hard sand that was like soil and the sand was made out of soil and water!

What are pyamids?

The pyramids are huge and wonderful sight to see, they are one of the seven wonders of the world, but it had chambers for the burial of the dead pharaohs.

What are triangular pyamids?

A triangular pyramid is a tetrahedron, or a solid three-dimensional figure made up of four triangular faces.

Where the egyptians helped by aliens to build the ancient pyamids?

Posibbly, no body knows. it was either a serious rediculous amount of hard work under the African sun. or maybe there was alien intevention. nobody knows

When were UFOs alive?

Rather intersting actually, Columbus kept a diary/journal with him when he went searching for india, and scholars believe that in that journal he said that he saw a shiney disc come out of the water. (1492) And some say that the Pyamids of Giza were partially made by UFO's too.

How did they buid the pyamids with no machines?

There was no machinery as would be found on a construction site but it is untrue to say that there were no machines at all. For example the inclined plain and lever were used which in the terms of mechanics are machines. They also used muscle power, thousands of slaves were employed to do all the heavy work such as quarrying, hauling the blocks of stone and manhandling them into place.

Why did pharaohs stop building pyamids?

Many believe that pharaohs stooped building pyramids because of the extreme labor it took to build them but no one is completely certain.Pyramids were built as a resting place for deceased pharaohs. The ancient Egyptians believed that the dead would eventually come back to life which is why they left them with prized possessions. Workers prepared the bodies before leaving them to rest and took out the brain because they believed it had no real importance :-)

How can you learn from these mummys toady about ancient Egypt?

DNA testing, tut was sampled and it is now known that ahkenaton is tutankahmuns father, kyia is tutankahmuns mother neffertiti was ahkenatons favorite wife neffertiti's mummy is lost in the sand ahkenaton was hated by Egypt for changing the religon and in his pyramid, witch is seperatedd from other royal pyamids no friendly hieroglyphics remained besides 4 word and theese words, names 1.Tutankahmen 2.Neffertiti 3.Tiya 4.Ahkenaton, there is a lot you can learn fom mummies today

How do you find inspiration?

when you find your self, you will find inspiration.