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Q: Where can you get a compass in a box like the one in the film 'Message in a Bottle'?
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Would a guy like a message in a bottle saying would you be my valentine?

It really depends on who it's from. If you talk to him and get to know him better he will probably like you in more than friends zone way. If you give him the bottle with the message after your bonding and connection and see what his reaction is. He will either friend zone you or accept the request of the bottle.

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Would a guy like a message in the bottle asking to be one's valentines?

I personally think that would be pretty cool -From a 16 yr old boy

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You can wait as long as you like before you give her the bottle.

What does a compass look like?

What does a compass look like?A compass shows different directions such as North, West, East, South.If you want to see what a compass looks like go on the internet and go on immages then type in "compass".It helps you find your way out of a desert or any place.For example:If you get lost i the middle of no where...The compass will help you >3

How does the earth act like a compass?

magnetic pull which is what the compass works off of.

Can a message in a bottle float around the world?

Yes, a message in a bottle has the potential to float around the world if the currents and winds carry it in the right direction. However, the chances of it reaching all continents are very slim due to various factors like ocean currents, marine life, and beaching on shorelines.

How does compass work in mobile?

The iPhone's digital compass application works just like any magnetic-needle compass. Launch the application by tapping the "Compass" button on the iPhone's.

How does a qibla compass look like?

It looks like this.............

What was the inspiration for the song Message in a Bottle by the Police?

Artists such as Sting aka Police, can be a fickle lot and Sting could certainly be moody and has had heavy debates (arguments) with people in the band. Sting wrote and sang 'Message In A Bottle', but whether he did it because he felt deserted and lonely or he wrote it (like many of his songs) while drunk is not known. The song 'Message In A Bottle' is a clever one indeed and personally I like Sting. This song sounds like a sole man deserted on an Island that sends a message out in a bottle and received more bottles the next morning up on shore. The opinion of this is a double-edged meaning and it's more about lonely people who do feel deserted on an Island somewhere (far removed from the maddening crowd of society) and realizing (many bottles turning up on shore the next morning) that there are so many other people out in the world that are lonely too. An enlightening of sorts! That's the thing I like about Sting ... twists to his songs and it gets one thing.

When was the maths compass invented?

i like bobs.

What tattoos symbolize travel?

A compass is an awesome travel symbol. Can be as simple or as elaborate as you like.