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If one wishes to purchases birthday candles in the shape of numbers these are now widely available. These can be purchased at most grocery stores as well as party supply stores such as Party City.

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Q: Where could one go to buy birthday candles in the shape of numbers?
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How do you safely dispose of candles and candles in glass containers?

The best thing to do with the glass container is to have it recycled. To be environmentally friendly with the wax one could always remelt it and shape it into new candles.

When did adding candles to the birthday cake originate?

It is said that the custom of placing candles on a birthday was started by early Greeks who used to place candles on the cake that they offered to Artemis - the Goddess of Moon. Lit candles made their round shape cake glow like the moon. Germans, who perfected themselves in the art of candle-making placed candles on the cake but for religious reasons. They used to place a big candle in the centre of the cake to represent 'light of life'. The candle is marked with lines and numbers, usually 12, which would be burned every year. Scholars also say that the custom of placing candles originated because people believed that Gods lived in the skies. They thought that lit candle helped to send signals and prayers to the god so that they could be answered more effectively. The other belief that people held was when a person makes a wish while blowing out the votive candle a signal or message was received by the god and the prayers would be answered

Does size and shape affect how candles burn if the candles have the same amount of wax?

The shape and angle of candle will effect how long a candle burns because when a candles reaches the middle of glass jar candle, the lack of oxygen to feed the fire causes it to go out.

How do candles look like?

They can be molded into any shape but generally are cylindrical.

What is the history behind blowing candles?

It is said that the custom of placing candles on a birthday was started by early Greeks who used to place candles on the cake that they offered to Artemis - the Goddess of Moon. Lit candles made their round shape cake glow like the moon. Scholars also say that the custom of placing candles originated because people believed that Gods lived in the skies. They thought that lit candle helped to send signals and prayers to the god so that they could be answered more effectively. The other belief that people held was when a person makes a wish while blowing out the votive candle a signal or message was received by the god and the prayers would be answered.

What shape has the most corners?

There is not a shape with the most corners. You could always "one-up" the last shape. It is like with numbers, there is not a highest number, but instead there is infinity.

What is the probability of the spinner landing on a 1?

It depends on the spinner: its shape and the numbers on it.It depends on the spinner: its shape and the numbers on it.It depends on the spinner: its shape and the numbers on it.It depends on the spinner: its shape and the numbers on it.

What is the origin of candle?

It is said that the custom of placing candles on a birthday was started by early Greeks who used to place candles on the cake that they offered to Artemis - the Goddess of Moon. Lit candles made their round shape cake glow like the moon. Germans, who perfected themselves in the art of candle-making placed candles on the cake but for religious reasons. They used to place a big candle in the centre of the cake to represent 'light of life'. The candle is marked with lines and numbers, usually 12, which would be burned every year. Scholars also say that the custom of placing candles originated because people believed that Gods lived in the skies. They thought that lit candle helped to send signals and prayers to the god so that they could be answered more effectively. The other belief that people held was when a person makes a wish while blowing out the votive candle a signal or message was received by the god and the prayers would be answered

What objects have a cone shape?

You could use a wooden block, a Styrofoam cone, a birthday party hat... anything like that.

What household object is the shape of a pyramid?

Mabye some blocks or even some candles and lamps are

How Arabic numbers got their shape?

From the numbers in them.

Are you more likely to spin an ood number or even number?

The answer will depend on the spinner, its shape, the number of sides, what numbers are on those sides.The answer will depend on the spinner, its shape, the number of sides, what numbers are on those sides.The answer will depend on the spinner, its shape, the number of sides, what numbers are on those sides.The answer will depend on the spinner, its shape, the number of sides, what numbers are on those sides.