

Where did Pi go to College?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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13y ago

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University of Toronto

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Q: Where did Pi go to College?
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How far can pi go?

Pi is infinite and has no end.

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Everyone's birthday is in Pi! You can go to to find out where in Pi it is. Happy Pi Day!!

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How far does pi go?

pi never ends it is indefinite.

How does pi go?

Pi is 3.14159265415.... and so on and so forth. Pi is more commonly used as 3.14 in equations.

How long does pi last?

'pi' is an IRRATIONAL number. This means that the decimals go to infinity (never end) ,and there is no regular order in the decimal digits. Super duper computers have calculated 'pi' to at least 50,000,000,000 ( 50 billion) places and still goimng. In school/college , when given pi = 3.14 , 3.1416, 3.141592.. 22/7 These values are only APPROXIMATIONS. Irrational means that it CANNOT be converted to a ratio(fraction) . pi should be written as 3.141592... The three dots inidicate that it goes to infinity. How long does 'pi' last? It last for ever; it infinite. For school/college work use 3.14 or 22/7 For more technical scientific work use 3.1416.

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There is no "last digit" of pi. Pi is irrational. Irrational numbers go in forever; like infinity

Where does the 3.14 for pi come from?

3.14 is short for pi. Pi can go on forever and ever. It's just a rounded number of pi to make things easier to understand.

In math what is pi worth?

in normal basic math like in high school you just use the number 3.14 it goes on in college as 3.14159265.... but the numbers go on forever but in school they tell how far to use it toAnswer:The value of pi (π) has been calculated to over 1 million places. At the link are the firat 10,000 decimal places of pi

How do you find what pi is?

3.141592654..........etc. The circumference of any circle divided by the diameter of that circle is pi. That or you go to a bakery, they have lots of pi

Where is master pi in cyberchase the quest?

master pi is in r-fair city when you go to the town center go to the road where there is no signs pointing to.