

Where did Rachel Carson worked?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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mainly in Maine

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Q: Where did Rachel Carson worked?
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What was the name of the place Rachel Carson worked?

Rachel Carson worked at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and later at the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries.

What did Rachel Carson's siblings do when they grew up?

Rachel carsons siblings worked at a factory in England, they worked there for many years. :)

Did Rachel Carson work with other scientists?

not that i know of I am trying to figure that out

Where was Rachel Carson born and where did she work?

Rachel Carson was born in Springdale, Pennsylvania, USA. She worked as a marine biologist and writer for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and later as a nature writer and environmental activist.

What is Rachel Carson full name?

rachel louise Carson

Who were the parents of Rachel Carson?

Rachel Carson's parents are Robert and Maria Carson.

Is Ben Carson married with Rachel Carson?

No, Ben Carson is not married to Rachel Carson. Ben Carson is married to Candy Carson. Rachel Carson was a marine biologist and conservationist who passed away in 1964.

What was Rachel Carson's full name?

Rachel Louise Carson

When did Rachel Carson marry?

Rachel Carson was never married.

What is Rachel Carson's birthday?

Rachel Carson's Date of Birth is May 27,1907

Where did Rachel Carson go to elementary school?

Rachel Carson attended undergraduate at the Pennsylvania College for Women (now known as Chatham University), from 1925-1929. Carson worked on a master's degree at Johns Hopkins from 1929-1932, and worked on a doctorate there until financial difficulty forced her to withdraw in 1934.

How was Rachel Carson involved with DDT?

Rachel Carson fighted against DDT.