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Q: Where did hemming and hawing come from?
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What did Stephen Hawing find out?

he jumped of a plane

When did Geoffrey Hemming die?

Geoffrey Hemming died on 1926-02-26.

What is the birth name of Ilkka Hemming?

Ilkka Hemming's birth name is Ilkka Lhteenmki.

When was Alf Hemming born?

Alf Hemming was born on May 31, 1948, in Helsinki, Finland.

When was Lindy Hemming born?

Lindy Brill was born in 1963, in England, UK.

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What is origin of hemming and hawing?

The phrase "hemming and hawing" likely originated from the sounds people make when hesitating or trying to think of something to say. "Hem" and "haw" were used in the past to represent these sounds, and over time, the phrase came to describe someone who is hesitant or indecisive.

Where does the term hemming and hawing come from?

Hem and Haw isn't recorded until 1786. But it is found centuries earlier in similar expressions such as to hem and hawk, hem and ha, and hum and ha, which Shakespeare used. These are all sounds made in clearing the throat when we are about to speak. When a speaker constantly makes them without speaking he is usually hesitating out of uncertainty, which suggested the phrase. Said the first writer to record the idea in 1469: "He wold have gotyn it aweye by humys and by hays but I would not so be answered. " The modern version is to "Um & Ah".

Origin of hem haw?

To hem and haw is to evade answering an awkward question. Literally, hemming is clearing the throat ("ahem"), and hawing is saying " Um, er, well, uh... "

In general what are the merits of dictatorship?

If you can find a benevolent dictator, you probably have a leader worth keeping around. I doubt there has ever been one. In a dictatorship there is no debating, no hemming and hawing, about what should or should not be done.

What is the purpose of a slant hemming stitch?

slant hemming

What has the author Adrian Hemming written?

Adrian Hemming has written: 'Adrian Hemming'

What is slant hemming?

slant hemming

What is the birth name of Eva Hemming?

Eva Hemming's birth name is Eva Lisa Hemming.

What did Stephen Hawing find out?

he jumped of a plane

Figurative language in Hem and Haw?

Sin is personified in Line one when it says "Hem and Haw were the sons of sin." The title is even an example of personification. Hem and haw are words to describe your brain figuring something out while your mouth tries to explain it. But this poem personifies hemming and hawing as people who don't do anything.

When was Nikki Hemming born?

Nikki Hemming was born in 1967.

When did Hemming Gadh die?

Hemming Gadh died in 1520.