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It comes from the Greek kinhtiko`s, from kinei^nto move. Source:

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Q: Where did the word kinetic come from?
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How do you use the word kinetic in a sentence?

the question you just wrote was a sentence with the word kinetic in it.

How do you use kinetic energy in sentence?

Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object in motion. For example, a moving car has kinetic energy that enables it to travel from one place to another. By harnessing kinetic energy, we can generate power through methods like wind turbines or hydroelectric dams.

Does Kinetic Energy mean in Greek?

The word kinetic has its roots in the Greekword Kinesis which means motion.

What does kinetic energy mean in Greek?

The word kinetic has its roots in the Greekword Kinesis which means motion.

How do you use the word kinetic energy in a sentence?

The moving car has a lot of kinetic energy as it travels down the road.

Is Kinetic energy capitalized?

No, "kinetic energy" is not capitalized unless it is at the beginning of a sentence.

How do you spell kinetic?

The correct spelling of the word "kinetic" is K-I-N-E-T-I-C.

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Where does the kinetic energy come from in the turbine?

The kinetic energy in a turbine comes from the movement of a fluid (such as wind, water, or steam) that flows through the turbine's blades. As the fluid moves, it transfers its kinetic energy to the turbine's rotor, causing it to spin and generate mechanical energy that is then converted into electricity.

What does the word kinetic realate to?

The word "kinetic" relates to motion or movement. It typically refers to the energy possessed by an object or a system due to its motion.

How to use the word kinetic on a sentence?

Kinetic energy is a term used in physics. A ball has Kenetic (potential) energy.