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Kennedy Space Center Cape Canaveral Florida

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Q: Where do astronauts launch there space shuttles from?
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Related questions

Do space shuttles carry astronauts?

no they do not that is space stations

Where does the Canadian Space Agency launch shuttles from?

no place, nobody has space shuttles anymore

What equipment do space shuttles carry?


Why the US space shuttles were built?

The US space shuttles were built to take astronauts into space and build the International Space Station.

Are astronauts and equipment launched into space mainly by space stations?

No, space shuttles

Why do people launch space shuttles into space?

to study Earth and space

How do they get the space shuttle in space?

they have launchers that they use to launch the space shuttles.

Do astronauts launch in a decade?

No. They launch in a space vehicle.

How do astronauts breath with their suits off in their space shuttles?

Space shuttles are pressurized so that the oxygen stays inside the shuttle.

How many years did space shuttles carry astronauts to space?

30 years

What direction does NASA launch space shuttles?


Which government agency study space?

NASA because they launch space shuttles into space.