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Q: Where does Disney advertise?
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Why does Nickelodeon advertise shows on Disney Channel?

because nickelodean knows that Disney has a lot of viewers and is trying to get more Yeah but if Nickelodeon want more viewers why would the advertise shows on a different channel? That is just diverting nickelodeon's viewers to Disney channel so they would be losing viewers!

What should you do if you want to see Disney Characters audition for the Lord of the Rings?

Maybe advertise that ur holding auditions and specify dress-code?!

Why did Disney choose to advertise Pocahontas as historical fact?

Because pocahontas was a real person so it's only correct for them to advertise this; however the film isn't completely accurate, for example John smith and Pocahontas didn't have a romantic relationship (however some might suggest this).

How can a telecommunications company increase its number of sales?

Advertise, Advertise, Advertise.

Is advertise an adverb?

No, advertise is a verb, as it connotes an action. If you advertise daily, daily is an adverb because it describes the verb advertise.

Does Disney hire gay people?

I would hope so. Companies are not allowed to discriminate based upon sexual preference. However, if I were you, unless I was willing to be involved in a law suit, I wouldn't ADVERTISE it.

What is latin word for advertise?


What is the verb of advertise?

Advertise is already a verb. For example "to advertise something" is an action and therefore a verb.

Can veterinarians advertise?

Yes, veterinarians can advertise their services.

Is it illegal not to advertise internally?

Is it illegal not to advertise internally

How do Tesco advertise their products?

well, tesco advertise by...

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