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Biomass can work with most places. However, it works best on homes and agricultural facilities that do not have stringent smokeless rules. The location also needs enough room for equipment to burn the waste.

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Q: Where does biomass work and where does it work best?
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How does the biomass energy work?


How does Biomass Energy Work?


How does a biomass generator work?

Most biomass generators work by heating water to generate steam which then turns turbines for electricity generation. Different generators use different types of biomass fuel.

How exactly does biomass energy work?


How do biomass stations work?

If you mean for producing electricity, not very different from burning fossil fuels. In the US about 1700MW can be produced from biomass at present.

What the best definition of productivity?

The amount of biomass made by producers

How do you make biomass work to meet your transportation needs?

get solar panels and connect them to our transporation

What is a negative for biomass?

there is not a thing negtive about biomass we need to save biomass it!

Is biomass easy to get?

its pretty much everywhere. anything containing carbon is biomass. dirt is biomass. poop is biomass. a tree is biomass. you are biomass. so is your dog.. so, yeah; its pretty easy to get your hands on.

Who are the major emerging producers of Biomass energy?

Biomass energy comes from a number of different sources. The main source of biomass is essentially the paper-manufacturing industry as the pulping liquor from the processes used to make paper contribute largely to the growing amount of biomass.In terms of the energy sources themselves, it would be best to refer to Wikipedia's article on biomass: The section on Biomass Sources should provide all the information you need.

What is the antonym for biomass?

what are antonyms for biomass

Is biomass organic?

Biomass is the 'weight' of biological matter. often measured in a biomass pyramid.