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Brian finds the survival pack in the plane wreckage or it is floating. I can't exactly remember.

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Brian finds the survival pack in the belly of the airplane after he manages to break into the cockpit and retrieve it.

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10y ago

he cuts the rusted top part of the plane and reaches in to get the pack

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Q: Where does Brian in the book HATCHET find the survivor pack?
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After the crash what did Brian have to deal with right away in the book hatchet?

He had to find out how to make fire, find food, and deal with the dangerous animals in the wilderness.

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In the book "Hatchet," Brian needs to find a specific type of wood that is straight and flexible to make a bow. He also needs to find a piece of fishing line or thread to use as the bowstring.

What difficulty does brian face in the book hatchet?

Brian faces multiple difficulties in the book "Hatchet", such as surviving a plane crash, learning how to build a shelter and make fire, finding food to eat, dealing with his loneliness and fear, and ultimately battling against nature and himself to stay alive in the wilderness.

What is the cause and effect of hatchet?

The cause in the book "Hatchet" is Brian's plane crash in the wilderness, leading to his survival story. The effect is Brian's struggle to find food, build shelter, and overcome challenges, ultimately leading to his personal growth and self-reliance.

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When Brian yells "I'm hungry" in the book Hatchet by Gary Paulsen, he realizes that he needs to find food to survive in the wilderness. This moment prompts him to take action and learn how to find food and sustain himself using the resources around him.

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In the book Hatchet how did Brian find the radio?

Brian found the radio in the survival pack that was left in the plane wreckage. He was able to use the radio to send out a distress signal and eventually be rescued.

When does he make his raft in the book hatchet?

Brian makes his raft in the book "Hatchet" after he decides to leave the safety of his shelter and try to find help. He constructs the raft using materials he finds in the woods and tests it on the lake before embarking on his journey downstream.

Hatchet How did Brian improve his arrows?

He used good, smooth bark and his hatchet.

How does Brian find the turtle eggs in the book hatchet?

he made a sharpened spear and he aimed just below the fish and he stabbed it

Brian's first attempt at the building a fire fails How does Brian try to start the first fire in the book hatchet?

Brian tries using the hatchet to strike the sparks from the rock but fails to start a fire. He then tries using the hatchet to strike the sparks against the hatchet's blade, but this too fails.

What are the answers to AR book hatchet?

a\ c d b a c b d d