

Where does crystals occur?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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Crystallization occurs in the formation of snowflakes.

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Kip Strosin

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2y ago
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Q: Where does crystals occur?
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Is crystal made from glass?

Crystals can be made from just about anything. In fact, most minerals naturally occur in a crystalline form. Salt, sugar, and ice are all examples of crystals.

Do small crystals form when magma cools rapidly?

Small crystals or possibly no crystals at all form from rapidly cooling lava.

Why are Stabilizers put in milk?

Stabilizers help to prevent texture deterioration caused by inevitable temperature fluctuations that occur during distribution, which cause ice crystals to melt and then reform into larger crystals

How long would marijuana in a jar take to crystalize?

Marijuana does not typically crystalize when stored in a jar. It may dry out over time, but this process does not involve crystal formation. If you are observing crystals in your marijuana, it could be a sign of contamination or another substance mixed with the product.

What is dark violet iodine crystals.. is it a chemical change or not?

In order for something to be considered a change some sort of change must occur. A crystal is an object, not a type of change. Dark violet iodine crystals are pieces of relatively pure elemental iodine.

Do large well -formed crystals cool quickly?

No, large well-formed crystals typically cool slowly because they require more time for the uniform arrangement of atoms to grow. This slow cooling allows the crystals to develop their well-defined structure and larger size.

Why do uric acid deposits occur in feet?

Uric acid deposits can occur in feet due to a condition called gout, which is a type of arthritis caused by high levels of uric acid in the blood. When the uric acid crystallizes and builds up in the joints, particularly in the feet, it can lead to intense pain, swelling, and inflammation. Dietary factors, genetics, and other underlying health conditions can contribute to high levels of uric acid and the development of gout.

Is a sliver crystal a mineral?

Yes. Silver crystals occur in nature (known as 'native silver') and can be gown in the laboratory. All pure metals can be regarded as minerals.

What types of precipitation occur on Uranus?

The most common type of precipitation on Uranus is ammonia rain. The ammonia freezes, forms ice crystals, and falls from the sky.

What happens to a salt solution placed in the sun for 1 week what would happen at the end of the week?

Evaporation would occur and salt crystals would form.

What are Ghost crystals?

Ghost Crystals are crystals of crosslinked polyacrylamide.

Are crystals living or nonliving?

NO CRYSTALS are not living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!