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Liquid water evaporates constantly, and that is the most usual type of evaporation that we encounter since water is the most common liquid. Things get wet, then they dry off, through a process of evaporation. You might dry a wet object with a towel, but then the towel is wet and also dries through evaporation. And even if you are making things dry faster by putting clothing into a dryer, or by using a hair dryer on your hair, this is still a process of drying by means of evaporation. The evaporation is faster if you heat things up.

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Q: Where does evaporation happen in every day life?
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What are some examples of evaporation in your everyday life?

Evaporation occurs every day. The most well known form of evaporation is when water evaporates from lakes and rivers to form rain.

Do you ever see water evaporation in every day life?

yes you do see it every day because in puddles if you make a puddle and then leave it in the sun it will go =]

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What is the first known use of evaporation?

Evaporation can be usesd for projects abd other items! Evaporation is also what causes our every day weather!

Where do you see evaporation in your every day life?

Well you don't because when water evaporates its a water vapor and a water vapor you can't see and that's the very same thing.

Which part of the water cycle would happen faster on a hot dry day than on a cool damp day?

Evaporation would happen faster on a hot dry day compared to a cool damp day. The high temperatures and low humidity levels increase the rate at which water changes from liquid to vapor.

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Evaporation is more likely to happen in the day than in the night. There is more temperature in the morning.

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3 words: every, day, life

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Where does evaporation happen?

everywhere; when you boil water the steam is evaperation, when one day you see a puddle then the next day its gone that's because it evaperated.