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Q: Where does non keratinised stratified squamous epithelium not occur?
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What would happen if the digestive tract was lined with stratifed squamous epithelium instad of simple columnar epithelium?

Through stratified squamous epithelium absorption will be very poor and person will die of starvation.Malabsorption could occur if the digestive tract were lined with stratified squamous epithelium instead of simple columnar eqithelium.

What is the place of dysplastic lesions of squamous epithelium occur most often?

buccal mucosa

Where does keratinization occur?

the addition of keratin to the stratified squamous epithelial cells in the epidermis. Begins in the stratum spinosum and continues into the stratum granulosum.

A type of epithelium consisting of a single layer of flat cells which allow diffusion to occur is?

Simple squamous epithelium consists of a single layer of flat cells that allow for diffusion to occur. This type of epithelium is found in areas where rapid diffusion or filtration is necessary, such as in the lungs for gas exchange or in the lining of blood vessels.

Where would you expect to find simple squamous epithelium?

You would find simple squamous epithelial cells where you'd want diffusion to occur, like in capillaries or alveoli.

What type of glands occur in olfactory epithelium?

Bowman's glands, also known as olfactory glands, occur in the olfactory epithelium. These glands secrete mucus that helps to moisten and protect the olfactory epithelium, as well as provide a medium for odor molecules to dissolve in, allowing for olfaction, or the sense of smell.

What is epithelialized tissue?

Epithelial tissue forms lining layers of structures in the body.ExamplesThere is epithelial tissue in the skin.Epithelial tissue forms the inner lining of the stomach, lungs, and blood vessels.There are different types of epithelial tissue, distinguished by the different shapes of their constituent cells: squamous, cuboidal, and columnar.Squamous (pavement) epithelium consists of flattened cells. There are multiple layers of this type of epithelium in human skin. It is protective in function.Cuboidal epithelium is made up of cells shaped like cubes. It is found in the kidney, for example, and in involved in absorption and secretion. Columnar epithelium has tall cells. They occur, for example, in the small intestine, where they are involved in secreting digestive juices and absorbing the products of digestion.

Why do rete ridges form in excess during periodontal inflammation?

Rete ridges form in excess during periodontal inflammation as a response to the body's attempt to increase the surface area for immune cells to combat the infection. This exaggerated formation is driven by increased production of growth factors and cytokines in the inflamed tissue.

Where does HPV enter the body?

HPV enters the body in the epithelium. This could occur in skin or mucous membranes.

Acute gastritis can result from?

Severe pain is likely to occur. Pathologically, erosion of the stomach lining (epithelium) may occur, especially if untreated, and in extreme cases, perforation of the stomach or duodenum may occur.

Can stratification occur in a volcanic rock?

Yes, stratification can occur in volcanic rocks. Volcanic rocks can display layering, or stratification, as a result of different types of volcanic events or processes that occurred during their formation, such as changes in magma composition or environmental conditions. These layers can provide valuable information about the history of the volcanic activity that produced the rock.

Where do goblet cells occur in the respiratory system?

Goblet cells are in the respiratory epithelium, which lines the airways from the pharynx down into the lungs. They secrete mucous.