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There are several online sites that provide aid on homework include Tutor, Online Tutoring 1, Tutor Vista, and Growing Stars. Tutors can also be provided through schools.

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Q: Where does one go if he needs help on his homework?
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To get an A card you have to hold down ctrl shift and c all at once. Then type in boolprop testingcheatsenabled true. then type moveobjects on. Once you have done that go to build mode and go on large tables and get the first blue and white one. put your homework on the table and then delete the table. If you do this every time your sim gets homework she shall get an a eventually and dont worry, the social worker wont come.

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if ii need to use the computer for homework i can go to bing research it.

How will you do your homework?

To do your homework, find a quiet place to do it and start with one homework assignment, get it done, and go on to the next until you have it all done.