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Oxygen after inhalation is absorbed by hemoglobin of blood in the lungs and from there it is distributed in the entire body through blood streams.

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Q: Where does oxygen go after being inhaled by mouth?
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Where does oxygen go after its inhaled?

i forgot

Where does the oxygen go in cells when inhaled?

They move into mitochondria. There O2 is used for aerobic respiration

Where does oxygen go after its in your mouth?

After the mouth (or nose), oxygen (as part of the air) goes down your trachea, into the bronchi, and through the bronchioli, into the alveoli, where it enters the blood and gets taken via the blood to the various parts of your body.

Where does oxygen go after entering the nose or mouth?

i believe it goes to the lungs and then it 'takes' the 'oxygen' (the air is made of different things) and then it releases carbon dioxide

What path does inhaled air go through?

your nose

What makes a drink go up a straw?

When the oxygen from your body suck air through mouth and makes the drink go through the straw and into your mouth. If you don't breath then you won't suck and get as much of the drink than you did before.

Why do babies go blue after being born?

cus they dont have enough oxygen

Can rinse in the mouth with water before its being swab cause something to go wrong?

Off go suck yourself

Brain Cell with no oxygen for 18 minutes?

Actually, no human being can go without oxygen for 4 minutes and be expected to live

What should you do if you inhaled fumes from car battery acid?

go to the doctor

How do oxygen molecules get around the body?

The oxygen molecule is inhaled (breathed in) through the left nostril or the mouth and then goes down the trachea (windpipe) and into the bronchioles and into the alveoli (both are parts of the lung). Then the blood meets up with the oxygen molecules and turns it into oxygenated blood. This blood is fed into the blood stream and go down the arteries, then capillaries, then into the muscle where they help it work. The blood is deoxygenated and then the blood goes to the heart to be pumped round the body again and the oxygen is taken up the same way it came down and is exhaled. I hope this helped :)

What is CO in Science?

The scientific formula CO means that there is one carbon atom bonded with one oxygen atom, giving a molecule of carbon monoxide. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless gas that can be fatal if inhaled, as it bonds with hemoglobin (which transports oxygen throughout our body) much better than oxygen. Many homes have carbon monoxide detectors that go off if the gas is detected.