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Well, what do you mean as in 'what'? 1 degree Kelvin is equal to -457.87 Fahrenheit, or -272.15 Celsius.

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The zero point for Celsius is the freezing point of water, 0 °C.

The lowest possible temperature is absolute zero, or -273.15 °C.

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Why degree is not written with kelvin scale?

The SI unit of absolute temperature is the Kelvin, not the degree.

Each degree on the Kelvin scale equals?

The relationship between Kelvin and Celsius scale is K=C+273. 15. Where K is Kelvin temperature and C is Celsius temperature. Each degree on the Kelvin scale equals the same degree in Celsius scale differing only in the zero value. The freezing point of water and absolute zero are the zero values of Celsius and Kelvin scale respectively.

Why you do not put degree on kelvin scale?

kelvin is a natural unit of measuring temprature

How many degree is -42 degrees celsius on the kelvin scale?

231 Kelvin

How are kelvin and Celsius scale similar?

A degree in one is equal to a degree in the other.

What measure temperature?

The basic unit is a Kelvin but it is common to use a degree Celsius. The Kelvin scale is absolute whereas the zero point on the Celsius scale is arbitrary.

What is 328 degree C on the kelvin scale?

328 degrees Celsius = 601.15 kelvin.

What is measured by temperature with no degree sign?

No degree sign is used on the Kelvin scale.

What is the fundamental interval on the thermodynamics scale?

Generally the degree Kelvin is considered the fundamental interval on the thermodynamic temperature scale.

Celsius degree larger than a kelvin degree?

No, the interval of one degree is identical in the Celsius and in the Kelvin scale. However Kelvin starts at absolute zero (-273.15 °Celsius) while 0 °Celsius is 273.15 Kelvin.

Why degree sign is used with celsius scale not with kelvin?


What does K degrees mean?

"K" stands for Kelvin. There is a Kelvin thermometer, different from Celsius and Fahrenheit.Answer:Kelvin is a temperature scale named after Lord Kelvin (1824-1907), who wrote of the need for an "absolute thermometric scale".. Each degree Kelvin is the same size as a Celsius degree and 1.8 times as big as a Fahrenheit degree. The starting point for the Kelvin scale is absolute zero (0oK = -273oC or -460oF)