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Q: Where does the expression ''out of the mouth of a babes'' come from?
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This expression refers to the Trojan horse statue that was a gift by the Greek army filled with Greek soldiers to the Trojan army. The Trojans celebrated, what they thought to be their victory and as they fell asleep, the greek soldiers emerged and slaughtered them. If you looked this gift horse in the mouth, you would have found several hiding Greek soldiers.

How many bones do a baby?

babes have 300 bones and we have 206 thats weird no its not its cool babes have more bones because there bones have not come together yet havnt you notice that babes have soft spots in there heads. Will because there bones havnt come together (YET)

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No. The mouth is the feature, a smile is an "expression".

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What are the release dates for Babes - 1990 Babes in Boyland - 1.16?

Babes - 1990 Babes in Boyland - 1.16 was released on: USA: 14 February 1991

What is the duration of Babes?

The duration of Babes is 1500.0 seconds.

How tall is Ketie Babes?

Ketie Babes is 6'.

What are the release dates for Babes - 1990 Babes in Boyland 1-16?

Babes - 1990 Babes in Boyland 1-16 was released on: USA: 14 February 1991

What has the author Phil Mason written?

Phil Mason has written: 'Out of the Mouth of Babes' 'The dulcimer players bible' -- subject(s): Dulcimer 'Church Chuckles' 'In the Know'

To make a song come out of ones mouth?

to make a song come out of ones mouth is....................................................... !SING!