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Q: Where does the poison from the poisonous dart come out?
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Can you eat the poison dart frog?

NO. You cannot eat a poison dart frog. IT IS POISONOUS and if you eat it you will DIE.

What is a poisonous dart frogs scientific name?

They are called poison dart frogs.

Name of poisonous fish?

poison dart fish

Is a strawberry poison dart frog poisonous?

Like all amphibians, strawberry poison dart frogsare cold-blooded.

Which is the poisonous animal in the world?

Gold poison dart frog is the poisonous animal in the world.

Do amphibians have poison?

There are many poisonous amphibians, in which case poison dart frogs are notorious.

What are some poisonous frogs?

Yes such as the poison dart frog.

Who eats poison dart frogs?

Snakes because they are poisonous

Is the dyeing poison dart frog poisonous?

Modified poison dart frog poison taken from the skin of the poison dart frog known as tricolor produce a very powerful painkiller.Treatment for touching a wild poison dart frog is mostly supportive. There is no cure, but some antivenoms have been known to lessen the effects of the poison, at least for the less-poisonous poison dart frogs, such as Subpunctatus, Lugubris, and Flotator.

What poisonous animals live in jungles?

Poisonous animals include poison dart frog, and the bullet ant.

Where do native Americans get poison for darts?

They extract it from the skin of poisonous tree frogs, such as the Poison Dart Frog.

What is the world deadliest amphibian?

1 poison dart frog(golden)2 poison dart frog(blue)3 poison dart frog(red)4 poison dart frog(pink)5 poison dart frog(green)6 cane toad 7 fire belly toad