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Jesus did not said that good people are weaker than bad people.

He did said in Matthew 10:16 "Behold, I will send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves."

The sheep cannot hurt the wolf, if someone is going to get hurt, the sheep will. That's the meaning of His words. He tels Christians not to hurt anybody. His disciples can be hurt, even die, but never hurt other people.

But that's not week, that's the way God loves, and that's the way He wants us to love. Jesus had the power of God, yet He sacrificed Himself on the cross.

When you have the power to do harm or hate, but you choose instead to love and sacrifice for others, that's the real power and spiritual maturity. There is nothing week in such a person.

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βˆ™ 1mo ago

There is no direct quote in The Bible where Jesus says that good people are weaker than bad people. In fact, Jesus often emphasizes the strength and power that comes from living a righteous life and following God's teachings.

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What are the benefit of spreading good news?

Spreading good news can uplift people's mood, foster positive relationships, and inspire hope and optimism. It can also create a ripple effect, encouraging others to spread kindness and positivity as well. Overall, sharing good news can contribute to a more supportive and harmonious community.

Who were crucified on Jesus' right and left?

At the Crucifixion:The 'Good Thief" St Dismas was on Christ's RightandThe 'Bad Thief' named Gestas was on His Left.

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This belief comes from the Book of Revelation in the Bible where it is described that Jesus will return riding a white horse accompanied by armies of heaven. This imagery symbolizes victory, authority, and the ultimate triumph of good over evil. It is a symbolic representation rather than a literal event.

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The Bible is silent on the identify of the type of fish. It should be noted that the sign of the Fish- Icthys in Greek was an early Christian symbol. The miracle, as the bible relates actually occured and the food resources were multiplied. On the other hand the (Good Samaritan) was an allegorical parable, and he was not a real person, Jesus does not reveal him by name. He was not one of the twelve apostles, that is obvious. The Good Samaritan is fiction-in-truth,. or truth in fiction. On the oither hand the food-multiplying feat was real.

How do you find the scripture that talks about God doing a work in you and performing it?

The scripture is from Philippians 1:6. Searches for Bible passages can be done on the Bible Gateway site. Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:

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