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Q: Where in the body does oxygen enter the body?
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How does oxygen enter our body?

Oxygen enters via the lungs.

Where does oxygen enter the body?

Through your MOUTH and your NOSE.

What system does oxygen enter the body?

The respiratory system.

Where in a mammal's body does the oxygen enter the bloodstream?

It enter when you breathe. You let go of Carbon in your body when you breathe out, and let fresh air or oxygen enter your body when you breathe in.

How does OEYGEN enter the body?

oxygen enters the body when you breathe entering through the nose or the mouth. the red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the entire body.

Where in a mammal's body does oxygen enter the bloodstream?

Blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in the lungs.

Where in a mammals's body does oxygen enter the bloodstream?

Blood picks up oxygen and releases carbon dioxide in the lungs.

Apart from drinking how does water enter your body?

By breathing, Oxygen is part water.

How does oxygen enter your body?

Oxygen (O2) enters your body through breathing air, which contains oxygen in it. This oxygen goes into your lungs where it is put into the bloodstream, supplied to cells in your body, returned to the lungs as carbon dioxide (CO2), and exhaled through the lungs.

Does oxygen enter the blood through the intestine?

Oxygen enters the body by travelling into the lungs, it then diffuses through the alveoli cell wall into the body's biggest artery, the aorta.

What path does oxygen follow after it enter the body?

After entering it takes the left pump after entering

How do the necessary raw materials and harmful wastes enter and exit the cells in your body?

Raw materials and harmful wastes enter and exit the cells in your body by blood, the red blood carry oxygen from lungs to the body cells.