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Q: Where in the cell does light independent reactions take place?
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What site in the chloroplast where Calvin cycle or light independent reaction takes place?

in the stroma

Where does light dependent occur in the chloroplast?

Light- independent reactions of photosynthesis occur in the stroma of the chloroplasts of a cell.

The light-independent reactions take place in the?

StromaPhotosynthesis takes place in the Chloroplasts of the plant cell because it contains chlorophyll, the proteins required for photosynthesis, and the membrane.

Where do the light reactions happen?

the thylakoid membranes of the chloroplasts

What cell organelle does photosynthesis take place in?

The chloroplast is the cell organelle that photosynthesis takes place in.

Where does the cell reactions take place?

Cell reactions take place in the cytoplasm and in the organelles.

What takes place during photosynthesis?

Light energy is converted into chemical energy. Photosynthesis is divided into two reactions (light reaction and light independent reaction) and they work together to make glucose, which can then be used by the cell.

What is the cell organelle involved in the process of photosynthesis?

Chlorophyll is the pigment most associated with photosynthesis. It's stored in an organelle known as a chloroplast. The chloroplasts are found all throughout the cell, as each cell containing chloroplast might contain 10 to 100 of them.

What do light reactions of plants occur?

is this asking where they occur or when they occur?anyway, light reactions take place in the stroma, which are in the chloroplast of plant cell. these are the little things that make plants green. this type of reaction can only take place in plant and some protist cells, because photosynthesis does not occur in any other kind of cell. (light reactions are a part of photosynthesis.)

What is a photosynthetic unit?

A photosynthetic unit is a unit that carries out photosynthesis. It would be an organelle of a plant cell, a chloroplast. The cholorphyll the green pigment in the chloroplasts absorb the light and through the light dependent reactions and light independent reactions carbon dioxide and water is converted into glucose

Which structures does the Calvin cycle take place?

the light independent reactions occur in the thylakiod, another name you could say grana. and the Calvin cycle occurs in the stroma. and they both of coarse occur in the chloroplast of the plant cell.

What process takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells?

Photosynthesis takes place in the chloroplasts of plant cells, where light energy is used to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen. This process involves two main stages: light-dependent reactions that occur in the thylakoid membrane, and light-independent reactions (Calvin cycle) that take place in the stroma.