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the alps

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Q: Where in the world would freeze thaw most likely to occur?
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What would occur in the Earth if sun went out?

The earth would freeze and life would cease to exist.

What would be the LEAST likely to freeze during a cold winter?

Ethyl alcohol

What is most likely going to occur if an organism was allergic to proteins?

Death would occur

What is most likely to occur when water vapor in a cloud cools?

Rain would most be most likely to occur and then a rainbow would probably come out after the rain is finished

Where is this natural wildfire most likely to occur?

It would happen in a forest,most likely

Would a tornado likely occur in Maryland?

Tornadoes are not common in Maryland but they do occur there. It is inevitable that there will be more.

What type of coast would a tidal bore most likely occur?

The type of coast that a tidal bore would most likely occur is a coast with narrow bays and inlets. Tidal bores also occur on a coast that has river channels.

On what type of coast would a tidal bore most likely occur?

The type of coast that a tidal bore would most likely occur is a coast with narrow bays and inlets. Tidal bores also occur on a coast that has river channels.

Were would an earthquake most likely occur?

wherever there is a fault line

Primary succession would most likely occur after?

a lava flow

Can collection companies freeze bank accounts?

Yes, a collection agency can freeze your bank account, but only under certain circumstances. A freeze can only occur after the collector obtains a judgment. They would have to go to court to get the judgment against you.

What would happen if the oceans did not absorb energy from the sun?

Let us imagine that we place the entire Earth in shadow, by blocking the sun with a huge parasol, that is thousands of miles in diameter, and no more sunlight reaches the Earth or its oceans. The world would become very cold. The oceans would freeze solid. Then the atmosphere would also freeze.