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Christianity is followed all over the world, especially in North America. It started it's route in Israel.

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you can worship GOD ( Jesus) anywhere!

We worship mainly in the church...

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Q: Where is Christianity worshipped?
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The Christian god is worshipped in Christianity. It should be noted that some other religions identify the Christian god as the same god as their own, though they may not worship in the same manner. Nor do all religions recognise that god.

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Judaism and Christianity are probably the answers you're looking for. Of course the Canaanites worshipped Ba'al, and numerous other gods.

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It is a miracle of Allah (or God and same God worshipped in Judaism, Christianity, and Islam religions). this is very useful in crime investigations.

Was Jesus worshipped in the first century?

Pliny the Younger mentions Christianity as an established sect early in the second century. Since established sects don't appear overnight, this establishes that Christianity must have existed during the first century also.

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The villagers worshipped the ancient tree as a symbol of their unity and strength.