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Deerpark Spring Water is bottled from a spring near Deer Park, Maryland. The company was recently acquired by Nestle and comes from natural spring water.

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Q: Where is Deerpark Spring Water bottled?
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Does Poland Spring bottled water contain feces?

Urban legend. Poland Spring water is bottled in a clean, controlled environment, and is purified before bottling.

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Is bottled spring water better for one than tap water?

Bottled spring water is often not better for people because it does not undergo the same rigorous testing for impurities as a city's municipal water supply, which is the origin of tap water.

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While the answer to this question is debatable there are clear top contenders, these include; Arrowhead, Poland springs, Fiji, Perrier, Trinity Springs, and water bottled by Pepsi and Coca-Cola companies.

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Identifying which bottled water is the healthiest is a contentious topic. There are many factors to consider such as where the water is from, as well as whether it is filtered, spring water, or mineral water.

Is there anything added to bottled water?

Depends - bottled or spring water is exactly the same as it came out of the ground. Some brands have added minerals for taste.

What is the difference between bottled spring water and distilled water, and which tastes best?

The water in my area sometimes tastes odd. What is considered the better choice in terms of pure drinking water? How does bottled spring water compare to distilled water? Whats the difference between the two?

Is bladder water the same as bottled water?

Yes. Bladder water is often as clean or cleaner that natural spring water.

Does Poland spring water taste different than Deerpark water?

All waters taste different because of the filtering process they put their water through. Many have natural flavors added to them for a crisp clean taste.