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Alexis Zamora

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Neil Solis

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Q: Where is community service is almost always performed?
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How did community service start?

Community service has always been around. It really started to get big in the 1900s.

Does court check your community hours if you had committed a small crime like a possession of a controlled substance for like 50 hours?

You don't get to affirm your own community service hours. Community serivce, in my experience is ALWAYS done under the supervision of some individual, or some organization, who then confirms to the court, via sworn paperwork, that you performed the required community service hours under their supervision.

What do you learn from community service?

There is not one specific thing you can learn from community service. Depending on what you are doing community service on depends on what you will obtain from the experience. For example, if you volunteer at a nursing home you could learn that you like working with that population and want to pursue a degree in that! You can always say you learned how important volunteers are, or that your community thrives from the hard work that volunteers preform.

How can you write a dedication speech to someone who was in the war?

It is always appropriate to thank people for the service that they have performed for their country.

Do they always run the checks that are being cashed?

Unless it is a very small store, in a small community they will almost always confirm the check is good prior to cashing it.

Why is community service important?

It is important because it is helping a lot of people.Some people who need help cant always help's always nice to help once in a is also good to put on an application for anything.Some people feel good about helping people. In addition, during Community Service, you will also be able to learn some valuable life skills such as team working(Since most Community Service will be done in a group) and also Communicating. Sometimes, Community Service would also involve lots of planning and therefore, organizing skills. Because it's important that the community looks good, and people are very genorous to give up their time to make a change to our community :)

What costumer service?

Customer service is a division of a company or retail organization that focuses on solving customer problems and pleasing customers. It is almost always a major part of the focus of a business.

What is costumer service?

Customer service is a division of a company or retail organization that focuses on solving customer problems and pleasing customers. It is almost always a major part of the focus of a business.

How can you get out of community service?

Unfortunately there is no way to get out of your required community service. I suggest going someplace that actually interests you (if you like to cook, go to a soup kitchen, if you like kids go tutor underprivileged kids, etc. ) If your required to have some kind of form signed after completing community service, you can always use pencil and then change the total hours to make it seem like you worked longer than you did.

Who usually performed in Shakespeare's plays?

During Shakespeare's lifetime, his plays were the exclusive property of his theatrical company and were almost always performed by them. I say almost because many of them were in print and any old company of actors could perform the play from the script. There were no performing rights as we understand them.

A mature community always has what?

A mature community always needs an organism willing to live in the area

Does community service for college apply to any volunteer work?

Community service is important for college admissions. Schools want to see students think of others beyond themselves. Colleges are most interested in students who volunteer in areas for which they have the most passion and enthusiasm. Leadership positions are always important.