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Q: Where is genetic material stored in witch organelle?
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Witch part of the cell is the organelle that functions as its brain?

the nucleus .

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What is mitsios?

In mitosis we have exact replica of cell. It means after fertilization of ovum by sperm, we get a single cell witch go on duplicating to provide entire human being. This occurs by the process of cell duplication called mitosis in all genetic material get duplicated in each cell. In meiosis, we have half of the genetic material. (Half chromosomes.) So during fertilization half chromosomes from father and half from mother unite to form what we called fertilized ovum.

Witch soil layer has the greatest amount of organic material?

the crust

What are Professionals who help couples understand their chances of having a child with a particular genetic disorder are called?

A professional who helps people understand their chances of having a child with a genetic disorder is called a geneticist.

Witch material when cooled unevenly can cause it to crack?

I think it is aluminum sheet

What is the process by witch atoms are arranged to form a material with a crystal structure?


What causes bully whippet syndrome?

a genetic disorder witch effects the muscles of whippets (dog similar to a greyhound) effected animals are born with what is essentially double muscles.

What is the value of a Pre-Columbian witch doctor figure?

Need provenance, material , carved or sculpted, and anything else you can tell us.

What is the cell that results from fertilization?

The Cell formed after fertilization is Diploid cell, containing 23 pairs of Chromosomes. Each, Ovum and Sperm contains half number of Chromosomes out of 23 pairs present in both parents. So you have half Chromosomes(23) coming from mother and half from Father. So there is mixing of the genetic material witch gives large number of different types of individuals to the the Nature.

Is fabry disease contagious?

No. It is genetic and inherited from parent to child It is also X linked witch means that men pass it to daughters and women have a 50% chance of passing the mutation on to any children

How can oxidation cause a car to age?

Every thing witch produce by metal material have this problem and it is important witch part is going to oxidize or witch part is going to fall down ,this make a car into a age . This process do as a very slow process that accelerate by microorganism whitch use ferrous as substrate . it is the reason make a car in a age.