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after you start walking just keep going then after a while you will see sango and mirku. then they will turn and walk away from you. the direction that they went after they finished talking to you ju8st follow them n sooner or later you will see shippo and kagome.

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Q: Where is kagome in milkage marsh on inuyasha secret of the divine jewel?
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Who are all the characters in inuyasha secret of the divine jewel?

all the characters in InuYasha are Inuyasha, Kagome, Miroku,Sango, Shippo,Kirara,Kikyo,Seshomaru,Jaken,Rin,Naraku and Kagura,Kana,Hakodoshi, and wll that's it i gues or i think

Is kikyo in inuyasha secret of the divine jewel?

yes she is

When did InuYasha say that Kagome sent was good?

he said it when she first figured out his secret the episode secret of the black haired inuyasha! WATCH IT NOW ON HULU.COM ALL EPOSIDES PEPEES

Where can you buy Inuyasha Secret of the Divine Jewel?

game stop okay ^-^

Is there any good Inuyasha games with good InuKag moments?

well there are 2 console games which are Inuyasha: the secret of the cursed mask, which is for playstation 2, and theres Inuyasha: secret of the divin jewel. inuyasha: S.O.T.C.M. doesnt have many in the case of Inuyasha and kagome because you can choose your who your character (female or male main character of the game) ends up with. But however, Inuyasha: S.O.T.D.J. has more because the main cople in it is them realy, because your character doesnt end up with anyone, and also a 6th into the game your character asks kagome, "You love inuyasha, dont you?" and kagome says "Yeah...but please dont tell him..."

How does Inuyasha Secret Of The Divine Jewel end?

After you defeat Gorai and Datara, Datara revives himself and Janis talks to him and gives back his Kamui, Datara thanks them (Janis and friends). Afterwards Janis and Kagome return home. Some time after Janis visits Kagome on her last day in Japan to say goodbye, but before she can leave Kagome and Inuyasha run up to her and say something, but we don't what they say because there's no text box to read what their parting words are. (You'll also see Scenes from when Janis was in the Sengoku Era from when she got there to how it ends. And how she won't ever forget Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Kirara, Miroku, or Shippo). After that the Credits start. And after the Credits finish you go back to the beginning Menu.

Is there any episode movie or manga of Inuyasha where Rin gets older and is a couple with sesshomaru?

m sorry to say that there isnt any episode of rin with sesshomaru or movie but i can tell you a little secret they are making an inuyasha movie 5 so who knows maybe shemight be older in that one and kagome and inuyasha might have kids because i have a picture of kagome in her wedding dress (im not joking) hope this helped

How do you find the 5 seals in inuyasha secret of the divine jewel?

All I can tell you is make sure you lv. up Inuyasha, Kagome, and Janis (there the only ones that can go to Kagome and Janis's time), and search very carefully for all 5 seals on the shrine. I have the game and I finished it in a Month's time but I don't feel like restarting the game over again. (Trust me I played the game for a whole month until I finished and I really don't want to have to go through all again).

Where is the monks blood in inuyasha secret of the divine jewel?

You have to return to Kagome and Janis's Time, head to the park and continue to go up until you come across a shrine. WARNING: Once you get in there it's probably going to take a while to find Monk Sen Blood because the shrine is practically a maze in there.

Is sesshomaru and rin in inuyasha secret of the divine jewel ds game?

yes sesshomaru and rin will be in the new moon cave

Are there action replay codes for Inuyasha Secret of the Divine Jewel?

yes. only one though: Game ID: AIYE-BDF15C94 Max/Infinite Cash 020c4ab0 000f423f Source: Codejunkies US Page:

Is katara stronger than kagome?

Yes katara waterbender and blood crush kagome's life kagome secret arrow never touch her