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Q: Where is mechanical weathering likely to occur more quikly?
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Where is mechanical weathering most likely to occur?

it is found in a desert

In what type of weathering does salt wedging occur?

mechanical weathering

What type of weathering does not happen in the desert?

Mechanical and chemical weathering both occur.

Does mechanical weathering occur when it is wet and dry?


What Climate does mechanical weathering mostly occur in?

cold weather

What can occur during a chemical reactions?

Weathering can be mechanical or chemical.

When does weathering occur most?

Chemical weathering in the warm, wet season and mechanical weathering in the cool, dry season.

How does chemical weathering make it easy for mechanical weathering to occur?

because the rat ate the rat and ate itself

What type of climate causes mechanical weathering to occur at a greater rate?

hot and humid

What is a cause of mechanical weathering?

Weathering may occur through the actions of water, air, plants, animals and various chemicals. Mechanical weathering is the breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces without changing the composition of the minerals in the rock

Does a cold climate help mechanical weathering?

No. mechanical weathering is the breaking and separating of rock or other materials. In order for mechanical weathering to occur you need water or some kind of mass movement. the only erosional agent which works with mechanical weathering are creep and solifluction, but mechanical weathering itself cannot happen because if it is too cold the frost wedging cannot happen becasue the water would freeze in contact and would not expand

What is breaking of rock into smaller pieces by gravity or other forces is it chemical weathering or mechanical weathering?

The answer depends on what "other forces" you are talking about. If the other forces are chemical, then weathering can be both chemical or mechanical. Generally, both types occur to various extents.